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This is where you’ll find the Plants By There content you’ve been yearning for. Discover tips, tricks, travels & tales…..naturally all with a botanical twist!
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To Peat, Or Not To Peat…No, No, That Wasn’t A Question.
Who’s Peat I hear you ask……Well, Peat is a phenomenal natural resource who’s presence on our fine Earth actually helps us to tackle climate change. Naturally occurring peatlands store more than twice as much carbon as all the world’s forests combined and lock it up tight, so that it does not contribute to the overall warming of the planet. Peat is created by waterlogged soils made of dead and decaying plant material. As peat naturally accumulates over time, it forms peatlands (wetland landscapes).
Disco Pot-A-Long: RHS Chelsea 2023
This May, I was very lucky to be invited by Malvern Garden Buildings to host my very own houseplant workshop at the RHS Chelsea Flower Show 2023……On press day too!
So, naturally I decided to resurrect my gold medal winning exhibit ‘Planet Studio’ from last year and bring a Disco Pot-A-Long to the show. Of course, I went ham on the tablescaping too.
Ficus: Forever A Favourite.
Ficus, also known as fig trees, are a popular houseplant choice for many plant lovers. With their attractive foliage and easy care, these plants have been common place in homes for generations. Ficus plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making it easy to find one that fits perfectly in any space.
Aechmea: Blooming Beautiful!
One of my all time favourite flowering houseplants, that in my opinion, deserves so much more attention is the Aechmea, a tropical plant that is both beautiful and so easy to care for!
Monstera: The Gentle Green Giant.
Monstera deliciosa, commonly known as the Swiss cheese plant or simply the monstera, is a popular houseplant that has continued to steadily grow in popularity in recent years.