Lush By Here:

Plants By There - Indoor and outdoor gardening, plant installations, plant styling, plant displays, planting design, interior landscaping in London and Greater London
Plants By There - Indoor and outdoor gardening, plant installations, plant styling, plant displays, planting design, interior landscaping in London

Are you ready for a #LUSHPLANTLIFE?

This is where you’ll find the Plants By There content you’ve been yearning for. Discover tips, tricks, travels & tales…..naturally all with a botanical twist!

Find out what inspires me as a designer, learn about the indoor plants that I love working with and delve deeper into the world of Plants By There.

Eco conscious designing with plants.
Planting Design Plants By There Planting Design Plants By There

Eco conscious designing with plants.

House plants are known to bring numerous benefits to your home and workplace and greener design practices are now more commonplace than ever. The term ‘Biophilia’ gets bandied about by everyone; but how often do designers consider where the plants they use in their schemes actually come from?

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