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Top 10 Plants For  Offices.
Office Plants Plants By There Office Plants Plants By There

Top 10 Plants For Offices.

Offices can be a challenging environment for most people to survive in, I know that I find them quite depressing. So imagine being a houseplant that originates from a different continent, where the temperature doesn’t drop below 26 degrees celsius, being placed in an average office!

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Plants In The Workplace…Why Bother?
Office Plants Plants By There Office Plants Plants By There

Plants In The Workplace…Why Bother?

As you already know, houseplants have become increasingly popular in recent years as more and more people are discovering the benefits they have to offer. From improving air quality to reducing stress, houseplants have been shown to have a positive impact on both our physical and mental well-being. But did you know that houseplants can also be beneficial to have in the workplace?

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Ficus: Forever A Favourite.
Lush Plants Plants By There Lush Plants Plants By There

Ficus: Forever A Favourite.

Ficus, also known as fig trees, are a popular houseplant choice for many plant lovers. With their attractive foliage and easy care, these plants have been common place in homes for generations. Ficus plants come in a variety of shapes and sizes, making it easy to find one that fits perfectly in any space.

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